Katharine Johnson northwoods Minnesota lake at sunset

Katharine Johnson

Born in a Red Canoe

An aus­pi­cious comet flies over­head as Purslane’s moth­er dies giv­ing birth to her in a red canoe. At least that’s what her father tells her. As she grows, Purslane doesn’t show signs of a super­nat­ur­al gift bestowed by the comet, so her father becomes enraged and sells her to a farmer. Purslane escapes and begins a soli­tary search for her mother’s peo­ple. On her mag­i­cal and per­ilous jour­ney, she enters por­tals of the dead, where she unrav­els the lost secrets of her birth, her moth­er, and her true identity …


  • Min­neso­ta Book Award finalist



In Born in a Red CanoeKatharine John­son deliv­ers an enchant­i­ng and mag­i­cal sto­ry filled with rich­ly orig­i­nal char­ac­ters, mas­ter­ful world build­ing, and a dar­ing pro­tag­o­nist. Luna’s per­ilous quest to find her fam­i­ly ulti­mate­ly becomes a jour­ney of find­ing her­self and the true mag­ic of her heart. (Lin­da Glaser)

Lin­da Glaser is the author of over 30 children’s books includ­ing award win­ners: Our Big Home (Read­ing Rain­bow selec­tion), Emma’s PoemThe Voice of the Stat­ue of Lib­er­ty (The Jane Addams Children’s Book Award), and  Hannah’s Way (The Syd­ney Tay­lor Gold Medal).

Born in a Red Canoe

Cov­er and inte­ri­or design: Paul Nylan­der

Sil­ver Fox Books, 2022
Paper­back ISBN: 979–8‑9860388–0‑3
eBook ISBN: 979–8‑9860388–1‑0

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